Category: Pets
Somehow, during the last decade of camping with my family, we failed to venture very far beyond the two places that grew to be our “second homes” between May and September (Ozark Outdoors Riverfront Resort in Leasburg, Missouri and Twin Rivers Landing in Lesterville). However, after an incredible road trip through Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma last summer, my interest in National and State Parks was ignited. As I explore my home state of Missouri, I’m continuously discovering beautiful places, some of which I have not heard, and some that have been long forgotten since childhood.
I was told about the beautiful hiking trails in Hawn State Park (Ste. Genevieve) a couple of years ago, and finally got around to visiting during Spring Break this week. While researching the trails prior to my trip, I discovered that there was a campground in the park, and since camping is my favorite way to enjoy Nature, I decided to make checking out the campsites a priority during my first visit. I had so much fun exploring the cozy little campground and Pickle Creek (a shut-ins stream which flows along it), that I didn’t actually have enough time to hike the trails because it started to rain. So, I made a reservation for later this year, and can’t wait to visit with my family and see what everything looks like during the warmer seasons!
Here are some photos I took during my March visit. Since I had trouble finding visitors’ pictures of the campsites online, I took a couple of my own in case anyone else searched Hawn State Park campsite photos. Many of the sites were booked, but I’ve included images of campsite 17 (and possibly campsite 23 with my car on the concrete pad, but now I can’t remember where I was parked when that photograph was taken) and walk-in campsites 49 and 50. All of the campsites along the creek have nice views, tall pines, and Pickle Creek running behind them. The entire campground is pretty flat, so if you’re tent camping, you’re sure to find plenty of level ground no matter where you are. There are running toilets and showers in the shower house near the end of the campground and vault toilets throughout the campground and near the trailheads. There are four trails between 300 ft. and 9.75 miles (one good for backpacking and three for hiking).
(LEFT) Pickle Creek behind the walk-in sites, (RIGHT) campsite 17:
(LEFT) Pickle Pickle Creek behind campsite 17:
(LEFT) campsite 17, (RIGHT) campsite 17 or 23):
Luna running in the sand behind the walk-in campsites:
Walk-in campsite 50 (Pickle Creek is to the right; a trickle of flowing water runs along the front of the bluff):
Hawn State Park in March {Missouri Nature Photographer}
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This colorful family portrait session was taken in the end of October, obviously during the most beautiful time of the season! Leah & John are sweet, patient, and super cool new parents and I am so excited to be the photographer to take their first family portraits. Newborn sessions are one of my favorites to photograph, but they sure do get more and more difficult as Baby gets older. This cute little wiggle worm was a few months old when we took these photos, so the session included lots of extra feedings and bouncy time. And to add more excitement to the mix, Leah and John also wanted to include their “first babies,” the doggies!! Here are some of the fun moments we had together!
Beautiful Fall Family Portraits {St. Louis Newborn Photographer}
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Thanks to the generous hospitality of our wonderful friend Stacee and her son, my family and I were able to visit Florida last month. We are so grateful that we were able to spend a week with our friends in such a beautiful location! We were in Hollywood, Florida most of the time, but also took a family day trip to Miami, had a memorable night on the town sans kids, and took an amazing trip to the Florida Keys. Here are some special moments from our trip!
Florida Vacation 2015 {St. Louis Children’s Photographer}
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Mommy & Me! {St. Louis Children's Photographer}
December 3, 2013 Family Bonds, Kiddos, Pets
I’d love to say that this photo session with my friend and her son was easy and just filled with sweet moments, but her little guy felt HORRIBLE almost the whole time! He had a heart-wrenching tummy ache. I’m so happy that I was still able to (miraculously) catch some loving moments.
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When my twelve year old Chihuahua, Pedro, died in early August, I was heart-broken. I managed to make it for two months without a doggie in the house, and then I just couldn’t handle it anymore! So, the family went on an adventure to Big Time Pets, a Chihuahua breeder in Lebanon, Missouri to meet a curious, independent, adorable new Chihuahua pup. We fell in love, and took her home! Collectively, we came up with the name “Luna Doodlebean,” sometimes also known as “Looney” and “Looney-Bin.” I’ve taken photos of her each week for the last five weeks, and here they are!!
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Awwwww, Luna, you cutie-patootie!
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I recently had the joy of photographing a wonderful Bat Mitzvah and a great party on a ranch. One of the grandparents asked if I would take family portraits of her with her children and grandchildren (and dogs) a few weeks later, so I took a trip to her home to capture some more fun family memories. I must say that with as busy as I currently am, I am not booking large family portraits, except for former clients. However, I am willing to travel to a beautiful beach or international location to take large family portraits (for clients new and old). Here are just a few shots I really liked…
Love the pictures! Especially the close up of Lucy! Can’t wait to see them all! Thank you for getting this “snapshot” of our life!
I love that shot too Stefanie!! I will email you with your password to view the rest of the images, which are available now! Thanks!!
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Since everyone likes a little advice when it comes to what to wear during their photo sessions, I’ve had this idea to take photos of my own beloved children in outfits that I personally love. Finally, after a couple of years of thinking of doing it, I finally did!! Please keep in mind that I did not fix their hair or even prep them mentally for our little mini photo shoot. Therefore, two of them were actually puh-ritty (pretty) uncooperative. Luckily, you can’t tell too much…… I did make one of them come back out for a reshoot though since he didn’t smile for me at all! Anyway, here are some ideas for mixing complementary colors and patterns, which I LOOOVE!!!
Okay, I know I am biased since these are my own children, but HOLY COW! I love these images of my beautiful baby!!!!
Since there were many complaints about being in the hot sun during the first five minute “session,” for the reshoot, I shot in the shade next to our house with the perfect white fence across our driveway bouncing beautiful light into the kids’ faces! I love these fun shots!!
And this is our pet “Claws!” He lives behind our recycle bins and occasionally vacations under our leaky hose faucet.
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Mouse Hunter Lily (a.k.a. Yiddy) ~ St. Louis Pet Photographer
January 5, 2011 Pets
Every once in awhile I take a few moments to take portraits of my own family, and this time it was Lily’s turn. Occasionally she is also called Yiddy, which is the way Leilie pronounces her name, and since it decreases our chances of calling or daughter Lily and our cat Leilie, I love it! BTW, if Lily were to have a Native American name, it would be “One Who Chases Away Field Mice.”
Her photo shoot was much shorter than Pedro’s (our Chihuahua) because I am still trying to catch up after the holiday season! But here she is….the newest member of our family…adopted approximately one month ago…
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On this shoot, I had two doggies and an active little toddler! I think I got some pretty cute shots despite the obvious challenge!! Of course, a little girl this adorable makes it difficult not to.
Oh, I love those little toes!!!!! Thanks for the fun shoot you guys!!
Wow Beautiful
Thank you!!